Ruthlessness Against Animals

Have you heard about the cases of cruelty against animals? Those livings who cannot speak like us can feel every emotion like us. Can we really understand their pain?

 Let us see some of the disturbing incidents.

CASE 1 - A female dog NORRIE was raped by two men ( as told by the hospital ) inside a posh Galleria shopping mall in Powai, Mumbai. An 11-inch long wooden stick was recovered from her genitals in 2020. NO strict punishments were given to the accused. 

CASE 2- A female dog BINDU was raped by a watchman named Premshankar Rai on August 16 between 2.30 and 3.30 am. A sharp object has been forced into her private region, which leads to the prolapse of her internal organs, and her intestines dangle out. She had given birth to seven puppies, and they all died in trauma. Rai was released on a bail bond of 3,000 rupees. 

To sign the petition for justice of Bindu, please go to

CASE 3 - A dog was brutally held and raped in Kochi and circulates the video on WhatsApp. The dog is seen trying to free itself numerous times while being held by force and subjected to bestiality.

"The nature of this barbaric treatment clearly indicates that the dog has undergone severe physical and mental trauma," it said.

NG Jayasimha, Managing Director of HSI/India, said, "It is unfathomable that an innocent, defenseless dog was subjected to bestiality. These incidents expose the violent nature of human beings, and it's high time we arrest people for such actions. Such perpetrators must be brought to book so we can set a precedence for future wrongdoers." ( Reference from the article of Ndtv )

CASE 4 - A pregnant goat was raped by 8 men in Haryana's Mewat district, and then the goat died. Aslu, the goat owner, registered a complaint alleging that his goat was gang-raped on the night of July 25 by men named Savakar, Haroon, Jaffar, and five others whose identities are yet to be ascertained( reference from India Today).

CASE 5 - A 4 yr old dog was kidnapped and raped in Hathras by 3 persons in the Jalesar Road area. The three accused have been identified as Dinesh Kumar, Satish, and Ashok. 
  • Pomeranian dog was gang-raped by three men in Hathras
  • The accused lured the dog with an egg and took her to his home
Three accused are still on the run  ( reference from times now news)


1- 19,028 cases of animal brutality in 5 years (2011- 2016), and not a single arrest had been made.

2- On May 18, 2018, almost 100 dead bodies of dogs were found in the forest area in Kongara, Hyderabad.

3- In January 2018, a man in Vadodara allegedly raped 3 cows in Vadodara. A case filed under section 295A of the IPC defines deliberate and malicious acts done intentionally to insult the religious feelings of any religious class. 

4-  Among all the abused         animals, 65% of them are dogs (reference from an article from Joshita Mohanty)


Cruelty against animals could be a terribly painful and distressing issue. Their square measure, uncountable animal lovers, everyplace; however, these incidents square measure happening each day and on a significant level. Everybody talks regarding it for a couple of minutes, then leave the subject. There square measure several laws for them. 

In the Indian legal code ( IPC ) 1860, section 428, 429, 377.  
The hindrance of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960. Sections eleven,12,13,14.
Drugs And Cosmetic Rules 1945, section 148(c) and a hundred thirty-five (b).
The life Protection Act, 1972consists of sixty-six sections and half a dozen schedules. Section 9, 38 (J), 51.
But no rules are followed, and a few arrests are created; however, they need to be bailed with a fine of twenty-five - fifty rupees.

Studies in sociology and physiology reveal that individuals United Nations agency commit acts of cruelty on animals move to humans as their next target. Hr of girls United Nations agency were victims of violence claims that their husbands had a history of killing or harming animals.

 Killers like  Thomas Hamilton, Mary Bell, Fred West, Raoul trench started harming animals.
To stop these unfortunate and shameful incidents, we tend to all ought to get on our feet against them.
 And teach kids however animals ought to be favorite. This could be concerned in primary school books, so they need that love and compassion for them, which may be stopped.
Laws should be enforced in an additional strict manner, and this behavior should be stopped.

"If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn't done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts."
― Ellen DeGeneres

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