What Is The Sole Purpose Of Our Lives?


What Is The Actual Goal / Purpose Of Our Lives? 

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Have you ever thought about the possibility that our existence encompasses more than just the daily routines of supporting our families and working toward financial stability? While it's true that some individuals may strive to achieve success in business or to provide for their loved ones, it's crucial to acknowledge that in doing so, we may sometimes lose sight of our humanity and become detached from our emotions like a zombie. At birth, the world is a place of magic and awe, but our perspectives can change as we grow and develop, and the world may appear to lose some of its splendour. Society often pressures us to prioritise success and wealth above all else, but as Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, "the purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." This idea can be a thrilling and intellectually stimulating concept to contemplate. Let's see...why are we searching for a goal? It is because our emotions are more important to us than our life. We can go to any extent to complete that goal. We want a goal to get us an escape plan from the psychological trap that we have set for ourselves.  So the question here is, CAN WE COME OUT OF THIS TRAP?? And the answer is YES because this is the trap we set up.

So, if we can fix it, we can also break it. But the thing here is we don't want to come out with this trap because this trap gives us a specific identity; this keeps us in a different space from everybody else. But then you might think that if this provides us with an identity, why would we want to lose it?? Let's understand this with an example: we get a salary and protection, but we still hate our work. Why?? Because it restricts us from being the person we are. We must keep the position the same as us. We have to change ourselves according to the work that I call self-imprisonment. So, the sole purpose of life is to live a life totally, to love life totally ( by living and loving, I don't mean to party every night but to enjoy every moment ). Before leaving this beautiful life, you must be satisfied and have explored everything about yourself. The purpose of life is to know who you are, not to understand what is this universe or world because the universe and world exist only then when you exist; otherwise, for you, its existence is nothing. So live life, touch every dimension of yourself, and balance yourself properly. That's the sole purpose of life. 

                                            We have our own made purposes, which we want to pursue and be who we thought we could be, but there is no GOD-GIVEN purpose for us. Having a purpose in life is essential, but the only purpose of achieving that goal is life.....that's where you are taking it wrong. Have your own made sense, pursue it, achieve it but remember to live the journey. Goals are made to be completed, but the only thing that is always left unachieved is happiness. You make that purpose of giving you the power to change or mould it, not to the drive to change or develop you.

           “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”


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  1. Excellent explanation👏👏
    " मेरा जन्म खुश रहने के लिए हुआ है "

  2. Reallllyy welll saiddd ..... I don't know your name so from now ... But u really doing a great job ... We can relate our life from it .... Thank you for relating our life .... Thanku you keep it up

  3. A very well written blog yrr. It was literally so engaging....Just wanna add my perspective. The question around the purpose of our life is an old but eternal question. This question might be an escape from our reality or might be not as this question is the root cause of our existential crisis, which I face every night. According to Hinduism, the sole purpose of our life is to attain moksh and to defy the eternal cycle of reincarnation. However, apart from a religious background, I still think that finding a purpose gives you a motivation to live your life in a more wonderful way. For eg, for me, the purpose of my life is to travel around the world. I wanna see Northen Lights, explore the history of USSR, Austria. I wanna see the European Architecture. These things provide me a motivation to work hard and diligently on those things which would take me close to my dreams.

  4. The truth is everyone is dancing in their own trap. Daaammmmnn boiiii that comparison with zombies and our emotions are more important for us than our life daammmnnnn youuuuu. Loved it :)

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