A Woman Whose Breast Got Ripped Off- NEERA ARYA( THE REAL WARRIOR)

Have you at any point known about this name? I'm sure that most of us are immaculate by this because our media and government never centre around informing us regarding this sort of fighter. They are exceptionally occupied with zeroing in on the defects in the resistance, and at the present time, we can't expect a single item from the media. You may be imagining why she is so pissed at this moment. Perusing this article, you will want to get my point, and afterwards, we will be in total agreement. So how about we begin? 


Neera Arya Azad was brought on 5 Walk 1902 in Khekra Nagar to Seth Chhajumal. Her family was wealthy around there. She finished her examinations in Calcutta and learned Hindi, English, Bengali, and different dialects. She got hitched by an English Indian CID Examiner, Mr Shrikant Jairanjan Das. She has composed a collection of memoirs and advised each severity that happened to her, and she made due for the opportunity. Neera Arya Azad was a fighter in the Rani Jhansi Regiment in the Rear Fauj. Her sibling Basant Kumar was likewise in the Azad Rear Fauj, who was also blamed for being secret by the English government.

What Leads Her To The Brutality?

Mr Shrikant Jairanjan Das was told to keep an eye on Subhas Chandra Bose, and when he finds the opportunity, he needs to murder him. As he was under the English, he needed to comply with the orders, so Mr Shrikant kept an eye on him, and once he shot at Subhas Chandra Bose, the projectiles were shooted at the driver of Subhas Chandra Bose. What's more, to save the existence of Subhas Chandra Bose, our hero Neera Arya Azad was wounded (with a pike) and murdered his significant other. When NETAJI realised Neera slaughtered his better half, he called him Snake (Naagin). She is otherwise called Neera Nagini. 

After the surrender of Azad Rear Fauj, when there was a case in Red Stronghold, others were delivered, yet Neera Arya was not given for the fault of her better half's homicide. At that point was rebuffed with dark water discipline, and she was taken from Calcutta to Andaman, where she was severely treated.

           A Heartbreaking Paragraph From Her Autobiography.

"When I arrived in Andaman from Kolkata Jail, our place of stay was the cells in which other women who were political criminals lived. We were locked in the cells at 10 o'clock at night, and there were no mats or blankets. I was tense about how we would get freedom while living on an unknown island in this deep sea. Then I lay on the floor, and I slept. Then the guard came and threw the blanket and mattress on the floor without saying anything.

As soon as the blankets hit the ground, mine sleep was broken too. I felt terrible, but finally, after getting the blankets, I was satisfied.

Now only there was the pain of an iron bond and staying apart from Mother India was with me.

"As soon as the sun rose, I got khichdi, and the blacksmith came to cut the bonds around me. A little part of my skin was also cut off while cutting the bonds around my hands, but when he cut the shackles from the feet, he checked the foot bone with a hammer twice to see how strong those were. I once grieved and said, "Are you blind? Why are you beating me on my foot?" He replied, "we will beat on your heart; what will you do"?


I said. "I'm in your bondage; what can I do with you." Then I spat on them and told them, "Learn to respect women?" The jailor was also there and 

He said, "We will leave you if you tell us that. "Where is Shubash Chandra Bose? 

I replied, "He died in a plane accident."

Jailor asked, "I know he is alive; don't lie to me."

I replied,  "Yes, he is alive."

He asked, "So, where is he"?

I replied, "In my heart."

As soon as I told, the jailer got angry and said, "Then we will remove him from your heart." And then he put his hand on my lap and tore my front part of it, then he pointed towards the blacksmith. … The blacksmith used a ripper-like tool, lifted the breast ripper and pressed my right breast into it, and went to bite it. Still, it was not edged, Minister, we hold unbearable suffering Tuँta was Urojon (breasts) to the other side of the jailer was holding my neck and said, 'If yo doesn't keep your mouth shut then in the result of it the other ballon from your chest will also be ripped off in the same way. Then he smashed tongs on my nose and said, "you should be delighted to Queen Victoria that it was not heated from the fire. Otherwise, your ballons will be out of your body till now.


After the opportunity, neither we gave her the opportunity nor the regard she merited. After freedom, she sold blossoms professionally. She lived in a house in Hyderabad for the remainder of her life however didn't acknowledge any administration help. In the end days of her life, she was taken to the medical clinic close to Chaar Minar, and on 26 July 1998, the fantastic, genuine champion, political dissident, left us and had a spot in paradise. 

Till today she is an obscure character. After her demise, her house was shed off by saying that it was based on government land. Consider the big picture, the place which ought to be kept in the memory of a particularly grand champion it is shed off. 

We need to secure our set of experiences before it gets disappeared and the cutting edge stays immaculate by crafted by these extraordinary individuals for the opportunity. The best way to ensure our collection of affairs is to continue imparting it to as many individuals as we can to make all the difference.

"Dushman ki goliyon ka hum samna karenge, Azad hee rahein hain, Azad hee rahenge": Chandra Shekhar Azad


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  1. Wow! Writer.
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    I loved "the sole purpose of the lives”, every line has something hidden in it.You've an amazing understanding of life itself, it takes people almost whole life to understand what you've already understood, that's something I really appreciate.
    Every reader want you to come up with more beautiful blogs, maintain consistency in everything what you're doing.
    I wish you lots of luck and peace.
    Blessings 👍🏿

    1. Your thoughtfulness is a gift. Thank you so much for this.

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