Bits From Satya Pal Malik's Interview

 India is the MOTHER OF DEMOCRACY, as said by our honourable Prime Minister, MR. Narendra Modi. We idolise a particular party with millions of supporters worldwide. The perspective about a leader forced into the minds of ordinary people who have become blind supporters has no idea what's happening. This is because of the unsaid policy "NO QUESTIONS ASKED." As a nation, this is a shame to the firm believers within the core of India. I am here because no publications have published the truth; not even a single column has been published about the biggest expose. If India is democratic, my questions are, WHERE IS THE TRUTH? WHY IS NO ONE PUBLISHING THE TRUTH? WHY HAS NOTHING BEEN MENTATE ON RECORD? WHO ARE THEY SCARED OF? Some might know the answer to all these questions, but then the most critical question arrives: CAN THEY SPEAK UP?


Our people are ill-informed about countless subjects because the fourth pillar of democracy has no courage left in them. They want not the truth to spread but appreciation from specific people and positions. So let us begin with the most dreadful and controversial event.


The terrorist attack cropped up on 14 February 2019 in Jammu and Kashmir. The convoy of thousands of CRPF JAWANS was going by the road and was targeted by an organisation's (JeM) suicide bomber, which killed about 40 CRPF as per the record. The government was outrageous and condemned the whole event and launched an air strike on the JeM camp in Pakistan. India cried and celebrated the victory of revenge. Everything was fine till today when an interview surfaced on the internet claiming that the attack was mere government negligence and that the interviewed person was the last governor of Jammu and Kashmir, MR. SATYA PAL MALIK. He claimed that the concerned authority, i.e., THE HEALTH MINISTRY, was requested to arrange five aircraft for the convoy. The administration rejected the request, and the dreadful event occurred. MR SATYA PAL MALIK informed the PM on the same day that they had made a mistake by dismissing the demand for the safest ferry transport. The PM said: "TM ABHI CHUP RAHO" (Stay Quite For Now), and MR. AJIT DOVAL(National Security Advisor Of India) said the same to MR. SATYA PAL MALIK. Another shocking thing was that the government purposefully blamed Pakistan and used the whole thing for their elections to eat up the credit and earn sympathies and votes. 

The protocol about the convoys is that these vast convoys don't travel through roads as they are the sitting targets, and if they have to do so, the links or the routes should be satisfied, or in other words, the link roads should be manned by some security but both the protocols were disobeyed. There were about 8 to 10 link roads, and all of them were left naked. This was the ineptitude of HOME MINISTRY, the department serving under MR. RAJNATH SINGH at that time and the CRPF, as Mr Satya Pal Malik said.

A suicide bomber in a car with 300 kgs of explosives was rotating for about 10-12 days in the alleys of Kashmir in the same area, and we couldn't even locate it. The ministry had the information about the convoy and the rejected request about the aircraft. The links were unmanned, and we didn't know about the car full of explosives running around. Even after the intelligence reports since January 2019, we blamed air strikes on Pakistan. The very prominent statement said by MR. SATYA PAL MALIK was that "GOVERNMENT HAVE GOOD REASON TO HIDE IT AND TO USE IT FOR SOME OTHER PURPOSES. THE TRAGEDY WAS USED FOR SOMETHING ELSE"—such a devastating statement from a dignified authority. These are the words of Mr Satya Pal Malik from an interview given to the 'WIRE". 


Article 370 is a provision of the Indian Constitution that grants special autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was promulgated in 1949 and entered into force in 1950. Under Section 370, the Indian Parliament has limited legislative power over matters relating to Jammu and Kashmir. The state has its constitution, flag, and right to make laws. This provision also limits the freedom of non-residents to purchase land and property in the state.

However, in August 2019, the Indian government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked Article 370 and imposed a blockade order on the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This decision was enormously controversial and criticised by many people, including opposition parties, human rights groups, and the international community. 

The revocation of Section 370 divided the state into two union territories – Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh. The government claims that the move is necessary for developing and integrating Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India. However, this is seen as an attempt to undermine the autonomy of the state and the rights of the people living there. 

Here is now quoting from the interview with MR. SATYA PAL MALIK that he wasn't aware of this at all. When MEHBOOBA MUFTI asked him, he deliberately denied it and said that HE HAD TALKED TO EVERYBODY IN DELHI, BUT NOBODY gave me ANY INFORMATION ON THIS OR THAT. Then he said in a previous interview that NOBODY, EITHER THE PRIME MINISTER or THE HOME MINISTER DISCUSSED ANYTHING WITH ME. Now the question is that, does BJP NOT TRUST THERE OWN GOVERNORS OR MINISTERS AND DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO DISCUSS SUCH HUGE DECISIONS WITHIN THE CONCERNED GOVERNORS? He only learned about it on the 4th when HOME MINISTER called him and informed him that he was sending a letter which MR. SATPAL has to pass in the morning and send before 11 am.

As I mentioned earlier, the revocation of Section 370 divided the state into two union territories – Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, and this looked like a wilful attempt at humiliation. MR. MALIK said that according to his opinion, the whole effort was to take control of the police force entirely under the government, which usually was under the power of the governors or assembly. He said the government "TOOK AN UNNECESSARY STEP OUT OF THE FEAR THAT WAS UNNECESSARY." He also stated that on the terms of the division of Ladakh, he was in favour. The reason for his being in his turn was that the people of Ladakh were very frustrated and always felt humiliated as said by Mr Satya Pal Malik.


The article was written by Anuradha Bhasin(Ms. Bhasin, the executive editor of The Kashmir Times) on 8th March.

When asked about this, MR.MALIK denied all the allegations, said there was no idea about it, and was sure this wasn't the case. And the excuse for the internet shutdown was to cut Kashmir from Pakistan so that Pakistan doesn't use the internet against them.



There are many more things and subjects to uncover, and as Mr Malik said, our PM is an ill-informed man. On that note, the people of India and our PM align very fluidly. The sad part is we live in a country where we can't believe the people who are meant to serve us, but if we look closely, they are not the ones who are helping us; we are serving them. People of India are very gullible; they tend to be more emotional than logical. We all are dying, crying about the past, and hoping for ACCHE DIN. 

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." - James Bovard.







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  1. Nice information.

  2. Keep up the good work

  3. Your explanation is superb and the information provided is of high quality. Well done!

  4. Bittu vishwakarmaMay 16, 2023 at 5:19 AM

    Good work astha

  5. Bittu vishwakarmaMay 16, 2023 at 5:20 AM

    Hello 👋

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