Strange Taxes Around The World ( From Bachelor to Breast )


There is no such thing as a good tax.

                                             Winston Churchill

1- The Bachelor Tax ;

2- The Urine Tax ;

  • In ancient Rome, Tax was imposed on human urine by Emperor NERO.
  • Urine was used to clean leather and wash clothes because it has ammonia (NH3) and even brushes their teeth.
  • Then, some people thought it was a business, and then they started collecting urine from houses and used it to process them and then sell them in the markets.
  • When the Government looked at the profit of this business, they started imposing taxes on the collectors of urine.
  • So, in this way, the Government earned a lot of money from the urine of the people of their own nation.

3- The Fat Tax ; ( IN INDIA )

Fat Tax is imposed on fattening food, beverages, and overweight individuals. It is reviewed as an example of PIGOVIAN TAXATION( A Pigovian tax on any market activity that generates negative externalities. The Tax is intended to correct an undesirable or inefficient market outcome by being set equal to the external marginal cost of the negative externalities. Social price includes private cost and external cost. Wikipedia).

  • Kerala is the first state in India that lays an impost on junk food sold in restaurants.
  • 14.5%  was imposed on junk foods in 2016.
  • This Tax has its own benefits and flaws. As this Tax has a check on obesity, on the other hand, it is creating a vast difference between the rich and poor. This is the simple pleasure for the poor that has been snatched from them.
  • Gujarat has also been thinking about imposing this Tax. The decided percentage is the same as Kerala ( 14.5% ). 
  • Some studies have babbled that increasing even 1% per ounce tax will decrease 25% on drinks and canned items.

4- The Beard Tax ;

  • This Tax was imposed by Peter The Great in 1698 on men who had a beard.
  • In the Culture of Russia, a beard was a symbol of manhood like in India as of now, and it would be a misdeed to remove it or shave it off.
  • This all started after the grand tour to Western Europe, and it became a controvery=sy because many of them had a tough time adjusting to it.
  • When he returned from the tour and attended the reception where many senior govt officials and army officials were also attending, he pulled out many razors and began shaving everyone's beard.
  • At that time, the clean shave was in fashion in Europe, and to make Russia more like Europe, he imposed Beard Tax with an exception to priests.
  • It was imposed for 74 years and discarded in 1772.

5 - The Breast Tax ; ( In India )

  • In Travancore, females of the lower class had to pay taxes to cover their breasts. Even in public places, they were not allowed to cover their breasts, and if they wanted to do so, they had to pay a tax named "BREAST TAX."
  • This Tax was solicited only to the females of the lower classes.
  • Classes like Nadar, Ajuga. There is a story of NANGELI, the warrior ( which I will discuss someday later).
  • It was abolished in 1924.

“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
― John Marshall



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  1. I got to know about your blog from my friend , you did a great research.I also want to start my blog please guide me.

    1. Thanks, just be consistent and research is very important for anything you write. BE ORIGINAL

  2. Before reading this I only know about breast tax ... But after reading this .... I learner about many more taxes in past .... Greasy research 👏👏👏

  3. Great research..... You're doing great👍...... It seems you are very intelligent ,keep up the good work☺

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